Jason Aldean: Highway Desperado Tour 2024
CountryThe Nugget Casino Resort and its entertainment venues are operated and maintained to protect against exposure to the COVID-19 virus and other communicable diseases in accordance with federal and state guidelines. Complete isolation from the virus in a public setting is impossible. Accordingly, Nugget venues cannot totally eliminate the risk of exposure to COVID-19 or any other communicable disease and the venues do not promise that ticket holders will not contract COVID-19 or any other communicable disease. The ticket holder acknowledges that the Nugget venue has informed him/her that the venue is not risk-free and that it is possible the ticket holder may contract COVID-19 or any other communicable disease during his/her presence at the venue, and that the ticket holder freely chooses to enter and/or remain in the Nugget venue with full awareness of the associated risks.
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1100 Nugget Ave Sparks 89431
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